Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast

EP 294: The Power in the Pause business mindset Aug 29, 2022

Ever feel like you’re working so hard to make your business grow that you hardly have a moment to relish in what you’ve built? 


How about feeling like despite your best efforts, you feel stagnant in your spa’s growth and you’re barreling toward burnout?


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EP 292: 5 Things Million Dollar Spa Owners Do business mindset Aug 15, 2022

Do you want your spa to reach the coveted seven-figure benchmark? 


That might sound like a trick question, but honestly, it’s a valid one. 


More money requires more of you to uplevel into being a Spa CEO, but if hitting the million dollar benchmark is a goal...

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EP 286: What Does “Freedom” Mean to You? inspiration mindset Jul 04, 2022

If there’s one word that encompasses nearly every entrepreneur’s desire to build a business, it’s “freedom.” 


Freedom to unlimited earning potential, freedom to work on your terms, freedom to grow in whatever direction you desire. 



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EP 283: 6 Secrets of the World’s Most Successful with James Williams education mindset Jun 13, 2022

To start a business and become an entrepreneur means you are a high achiever, but being a high achiever – one with big goals, dreams, and vision – doesn’t necessarily equate to being a high performer. 


However, as you might have guessed, being successful in...

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EP 282: Navigating the “Work Optional” Path of Entrepreneurship with Andrea Klein business mindset May 30, 2022

Many spa owners get into their path of entrepreneurship because they love the work, the people, the transformations they help their clients make. 


But as many spa owners discover, being a provider in the treatment room isn’t something many of us aim to do forever. 


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EP 278: Finding Your Zone of Genius as a Skin Expert with René Serbon education mindset May 02, 2022

One of the business mantras and beliefs that I hold deep down to my core and that I’ve practiced before even officially starting my own business is that community is greater than competition. 


I truly believe that this mindset is critical for finding success, especially as more...

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EP 275: Becoming a Micro-Celebrity for Ultimate Industry Authority with Ron Reich marketing mindset Apr 11, 2022

Have you ever dreamed about being an aesthetic expert who’s a household name? 


Or the owner of a spa that the stars frequent? 


Maybe you want to be industry-known as a thought leader and educator? 


No matter what level of stardom you envision for...

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EP 274: Changing Your Mindset by Conducting Mental Rehearsal with Mindi Huebner mindset Apr 04, 2022

In theory, I think we all understand that a positive mindset and a good attitude will take you far in life no matter what you do personally or professionally. 


But truly unlocking your highest potential?


Well, that takes more than just positive vibes. 


As my guest...

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EP 273: Strengthening Your Body, Mind, and Perseverance Muscle with Zac Marion inspiration mindset Mar 28, 2022

As the last couple of years have unfolded, I’m sure you can attest to the fact that exhibiting resilience and perseverance feels like a mental and emotional workout. 


It takes a lot of effort and stamina, but as you continue to do it and do it more often, the easier it...

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EP 271: Breaking Your Blocks and Leveling Up Your Money Mindset with Emily Williams business mindset Mar 14, 2022

Raise your hand if you ever heard “money is the root of all evil” while growing up. 


Or how about “money doesn’t grow on trees”? 


My guess is every listener's hand is raised and you might even be thinking, “those are things I say...

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EP 268: 3 Signs It’s Time to Hire education mindset Feb 21, 2022

If you’re reading this there’s likely one thing you know for sure, it’s that you’re burning the candle at both ends, or you’re awfully close to it. 


But the one thing you may not know is whether now is a good time to hire and bring on help so you can...

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EP 267: Scaling from Solo and “Doing it Scared” with Allison Cremona marketing mindset Feb 14, 2022

Whenever someone asks me my favorite thing about my work, I don’t have to think twice about the answer; it is hands-down seeing the growth and transformation of my students aka Spa CEOs inside of my programs. 


In this episode, you’re going to hear from one of those Spa...

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