Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast

EP 174: Your 7-Step Funnel Building Process business marketing Nov 23, 2020

Let’s put the “fun” in funnels, shall we?! 


Maybe you’ve never heard of funnels and this is brand new (and mysterious) territory. 


Or you might’ve heard funnels are essential for closing sales on auto-pilot, but when you began the creation...

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EP 150: 3 Ways to Reward Loyal Clients business marketing Aug 17, 2020


Loyalty isn’t something to be taken lightly. 


After all, that’s what we always aim for with every new client who walks through our doors - that they will always choose to book with us and make us their go-to aesthetic expert for years to come. 



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EP 146: A Step-by-Step Process to Hiring Your Dream Team business leadership Aug 03, 2020


Whether you’re ready to scale your aesthetic practice by growing your team now, or you’ve got a vision for expanding beyond being a solo in the future, having a thorough understanding of the hiring process will always serve you well. 


( Yes, even if you never hire...

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EP 139: (Greatest Hits) 10 Ways to 10X Your Revenue with Facebook Ads with Tara Zirker business marketing Jun 15, 2020


As you re-enter our business after a season of quarantine, you are likely looking at your business with fresh eyes and a sense that now more than ever you need to embrace proven marketing strategies that work to breathe sustainability into your marketing efforts. 


One of the...

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EP 107: The Strategic Secrets of Using Groupon the Right Way business marketing Jan 06, 2020


Thinking of giving Groupon a shot at your spa? 


Maybe you just read that question and thought, “you’re kidding?!” 


Now hear me out, Groupon is not your answer to becoming a successful spa, it is merely a tool in the journey to get there. 


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EP 103: The “Buy $100, Get $100” Spa Gift Card Promotion business marketing Nov 25, 2019

It’s the most wonderful time of the year...especially for spa owners and aestheticians, because we are in the swing of the holiday season!


Now’s the time to rock out the last quarter of the year, and to help you do it, I’m pulling one of my favorite lessons inside Spa...

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EP 099: Survive on Services, Retire on Retail business marketing Oct 28, 2019



The 2020 Aesthetic Marketing Seminar is going VIRTUAL! 

Save the date (and your FREE seat!) for August 24-25 for the 2020 Virtual Aesthetic Marketing Seminar, which will feature top experts in the spa industry speaking on today’s most effective marketing strategies...

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EP 008: Grow Your Spa’s Clientele with Gift Card Marketing business marketing Apr 24, 2019

Whether you’re a brand new aesthetician or starting over after moving to a new area, building a clientele from scratch can be daunting. Thankfully, there’s a strategy that can help you secure more bookings, but also help you network within your new professional community.


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