Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast

EP 281: My Entrepreneurial Journey - a Q&A with Mechelle Barras inspiration leadership May 23, 2022

In this week’s episode, we’re flipping the mic as I act as guest on my dear friend and client Mechelle Barras’ podcast, Mindset Great! 


If you’ve been a listener of Spa Marketing Made Easy for awhile, you’ve likely heard Mechelle’s story (and if...

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EP 280: Systemizing Your Sales and Marketing with Square business marketing May 16, 2022

Anyone who has done their thorough research on technology solutions for their spa knows there is no shortage of tools to choose from. 


The good news is that you have a plethora of choices, the bad news is that you have to sift through them all! 


In an effort to help you...

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EP 279: Using Hook Points to Drive Social Engagement and Results with Brendan Kane business marketing May 09, 2022

Between new platforms showing up on the scene, constant algorithm shifts, and only so many hours in the day, cracking the code on social media can feel like playing a game where the rules change every time you get to a new level. 


While some of those things have truth, the good news...

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EP 278: Finding Your Zone of Genius as a Skin Expert with Renรฉ Serbon education mindset May 02, 2022

One of the business mantras and beliefs that I hold deep down to my core and that I’ve practiced before even officially starting my own business is that community is greater than competition. 


I truly believe that this mindset is critical for finding success, especially as more...

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EP 277: Feel-Good Financial Planning with Brent Weiss of Facet Wealth business education Apr 25, 2022

You know how the saying goes, “never say never.” 


Well, that may apply 99% of the time, but this is the 1% time where you want to throw that adage out the window because whether you’re working to hit that first 6-figure year in your spa, or you’re climbing the...

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EP 276: Why You Need a System for Systems Creation education marketing Apr 18, 2022

A system for your systems? 


I know, it sounds like systems inception, and maybe it is, but it’s also the critical key that unlocks the ability to truly have a systems-based business. 


Because here’s the thing, you can have systems documented here and there and...

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EP 275: Becoming a Micro-Celebrity for Ultimate Industry Authority with Ron Reich marketing mindset Apr 11, 2022

Have you ever dreamed about being an aesthetic expert who’s a household name? 


Or the owner of a spa that the stars frequent? 


Maybe you want to be industry-known as a thought leader and educator? 


No matter what level of stardom you envision for...

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EP 274: Changing Your Mindset by Conducting Mental Rehearsal with Mindi Huebner mindset Apr 04, 2022

In theory, I think we all understand that a positive mindset and a good attitude will take you far in life no matter what you do personally or professionally. 


But truly unlocking your highest potential?


Well, that takes more than just positive vibes. 


As my guest...

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EP 273: Strengthening Your Body, Mind, and Perseverance Muscle with Zac Marion inspiration mindset Mar 28, 2022

As the last couple of years have unfolded, I’m sure you can attest to the fact that exhibiting resilience and perseverance feels like a mental and emotional workout. 


It takes a lot of effort and stamina, but as you continue to do it and do it more often, the easier it...

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EP 272: 3 Types of Revenue Every Spa Needs business education Mar 21, 2022

We all know that revenue is critical to running a successful, profitable, and sustainable business, but what’s often overlooked is that some revenue has a higher value to your business’ bottom line than others. 


Yes, a dollar is still a dollar and that won’t change,...

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EP 271: Breaking Your Blocks and Leveling Up Your Money Mindset with Emily Williams business mindset Mar 14, 2022

Raise your hand if you ever heard “money is the root of all evil” while growing up. 


Or how about “money doesn’t grow on trees”? 


My guess is every listener's hand is raised and you might even be thinking, “those are things I say...

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EP 270: Differentiating with Direct Mail with Dave Fink business marketing Mar 07, 2022

Did you think direct mail marketing was dead?


Anything but, my friend! 


Although the massive social media platforms we all know and love have dominated the marketing landscape for the better part of the last decade and brought amazing ROI, the reality is that in our current...

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