Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast

EP 305: Getting Cash Confident with Melissa Houston, CPA, CGA of She Means Profit marketing mindset Nov 14, 2022

Whenever I embark on a conversation about money mindset I always get that one Snoop Dogg lyric stuck in my head…


“Got my mind on my money and money on my mind…”


I can’t be the only one! 


In any case, my hope is that if you’ve been a...

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EP 304: The Questions to Ask Before Planning Your Year marketing mindset Nov 07, 2022

I know I’m not the only planning nerd out there who loves a fresh notebook, clean slate spreadsheet and new year marked on the calendar! 


However, as eager as we may be to start plotting our 2023 plans, diving right in doesn’t serve our goals in the long run.


If we...

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EP 303: Harnessing Viral Trends for Your Business with Brendan Kane business marketing Oct 31, 2022

What does it actually mean to “go viral?” 


Maybe you automatically think of a meme that circulates around the internet at warp speed or a dance or social media challenge that everyone and their mom (literally) is posting to their profile. 


As a...

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EP 302: Increasing Your Spa's Efficiency with Mangomint Co-Founder & CEO, Daniel Lang e-commerce marketing Oct 24, 2022

Increasing overall efficiency in your spa (and thus, increasing your profit margin) is partially dependent on your team, but the other half of the equation? 


It’s in the tech. 


It’s no secret that I’m a fan of utilizing software alongside your systems in...

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EP 301: The 3 Key Types of SEO Spas Need to Build with Ryan Files of High Level Marketing business e-commerce education Oct 17, 2022

Starting your spa’s SEO marketing journey can feel like an adventure with countless starting points, obstacles, and off-shoots – all of which look promising. 


Sure, choosing your own adventure can be fun, but oftentimes it’s overwhelming with too many options. ...

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EP 300: How to Ensure Your Team Knows Your Top Priorities inspiration mindset Oct 10, 2022

“No one will ever care about my business as much as I do.” 


“Doesn’t my team know that when they help us grow, we ALL win?”


“I feel like I try to create a great work environment, but the people on my team don’t seem motivated.”


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EP 299: How To Be Loving with Danielle LaPorte inspiration mindset Oct 03, 2022

While there will always be something new to learn and explore in business, there’s absolutely one truth I know about business that will never change – and it’s that as an entrepreneur, personal development is the most important element of becoming a strong leader for your...

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EP 298: Finding Your Spa CEO Strengths with Mechelle Barras inspiration mindset Sep 26, 2022

Strong leaders and intuitive entrepreneurs tend to have an innate sense of what their strengths are, but like everything in business, knowledge is power. 


That’s why truly assessing your strengths are going to help you become the best version of yourself and leader for your...

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EP 297: Prepping Your Successful Black Friday Promotions business marketing Sep 19, 2022

If all the fall decor overflowing on store shelves wasn’t enough to remind you, we are officially on the cusp of the holidays! 


And you know what else that means, right?


It means that the biggest spa sales weekend is right around the corner! 



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EP 296: Understanding What You Can Afford in Your Spa business marketing Sep 12, 2022

Being the boss of your own business comes with a lot of perks like setting your own schedule, working your spa and space you want, having unlimited earning potential…


Having that kind of freedom is why most spa owners venture into entrepreneurship in the first place, but with that...

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EP 295: Understanding your Human Design as an Entrepreneur with Victoria Fenton education mindset Sep 05, 2022


There are countless personality assessments on the market (if you’ve been a long-time listener, you know I’m partial to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test), but there’s another assessment that takes an entirely different approach to understanding the core of who you...

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EP 294: The Power in the Pause business mindset Aug 29, 2022

Ever feel like you’re working so hard to make your business grow that you hardly have a moment to relish in what you’ve built? 


How about feeling like despite your best efforts, you feel stagnant in your spa’s growth and you’re barreling toward burnout?


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