Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast

EP 341: Learn All About Starting an Ecom Business from Gamal Codner e-commerce marketing Jul 24, 2023

A wise friend once said to me “spa owners are in the confidence business.”


Seems like a heavy weight to carry, but when you think about it, our clients view us as problem solvers where our solutions help build their self-confidence. 


This has stuck with me as a...

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EP 340: A Complete Spa Insurance Overview with Andy Zarkovich business education Jul 17, 2023

Figuring out insurance coverage for your business can feel like a daunting task because not all businesses are set up equally.


Not to mention the confusing language and overwhelming amount of options you have to decide what’s necessary for your business.


It’s not a very...

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EP 339: Uncovering Your True Happiness with Elayne Mendoza business inspiration marketing Jul 10, 2023

As a lover of systems, spreadsheets, and a well planned out calendar, I realize that the roadmap we set out for ourselves doesn’t always reach the planned destination.


That’s why I constantly call entrepreneurship a rollercoaster.


Navigating the ebbs and flow of...

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EP 338: Getting to Know Emage MedicalĀ® with CEO Cari Ray business marketing Jul 03, 2023

I’m a big believer in not endorsing a company or product on this podcast without first trying it out for myself.


I can tell you with certainty that Emage Medical® is the real deal.


This year I’ve talked a lot about my effort in building strategic partnerships with...

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EP 337: A Look Inside Danielaā€™s Calendar Management Process business education Jun 26, 2023

“Is this what the CEO of a seven figure company does?”


The answer to this question is an important first step to start as you begin to understand where your time should be spent as you map out your calendar. 


A time tracker exercise is going to help you pinpoint...

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EP 336: Top Questions to Ask When Shopping for Medical Devices with Michael Lustig business marketing products Jun 19, 2023

Do the following questions run through your mind?


When is the right time to buy a new device for my spa?


Which company should I buy from?


What types of questions do I need to ask during the shopping process?


If you’re not quite sure where to begin with buying...

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EP 335: Danielaā€™s Debrief: The Spa CEO Intensive Experience inspiration mindset Jun 12, 2023

Do you make time for leadership development in your business?


My personal growth has been a constant priority of mine over the last few years to work on becoming the best leader possible. 


One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is to make time in my schedule to ...

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EP 334: Navigating the Transition into Motherhood with Christine Hassler inspiration mindset Jun 05, 2023

Becoming a mom is a huge life transformation that is a beautiful, and oftentimes, a messy process.


It requires sacrifice and devotion.  


Mom is a title I know we all as a collective wear proudly, and with this new title can bring about an identity shift as you navigate...

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EP 333: Balancing Your Feminine and Masculine Energies in Leadership with Alexa Bowditch education inspiration mindset May 29, 2023

How do we balance these two energies in business? 


Can you be both feminine and masculine in a leadership role? 


Yes, especially in the spa industry, the coexistence of both energies helps you lead from a place of doing and from being


The first step...

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EP 332: 7 Steps to Build a 7 Figure Practice with Ease business inspiration marketing May 22, 2023

Leadership is a learned skill. 


That they don’t teach you in aesthetics school.


It isn’t until you take the plunge into entrepreneurship do you truly enter the process of becoming a leader. 


This role shifts your focus and adds more responsibility...

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EP 331: The Power of Breathwork with Stefanos Sifandos education mindset May 15, 2023

All of us have something from our life experiences that makes us brace


That’s what makes us human.


Whether it’s big trauma or small trauma, it holds the same weight for all of us. 


There’s priceless value as an entrepreneur to invest in personal...

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EP 330: A Guide to Optimizing Your Google Business Profile with Ryan Files of High Level Marketing business e-commerce marketing May 08, 2023

If you start to sweat at the mere thought of how to build your business presence on Google, this episode is for you.


One of the biggest misconceptions is thinking your website is the first place people find you online. 


I don’t discredit its value, but there’s one...

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